Customer Story

Fortune-500 Contact Center Achieves 90% Service Levels With New Operation Launched in 120 Days

“We set up a whole operation from scratch within less than 120 days. We ended up training 30 new hires to run a 24/7 operation within 120 days. And not only was it seamless from the customer perspective, we actually got accolades from some of the customers saying this is the best experience they’ve had when they’ve been dealing with the Baxter help desk.”

Jason Mercer-Pottinger, Operations Director

  • TLDR


The short version (TL;DR)

Industry: Medical device contact center

Challenge: Launch a new call center within 120 days with no product experience, outdated documentation, and the need to hire and remotely train new agents.

Solution: Knowledge ops platform and Find & Follow Training.

Results: Launched in 120 days, achieved 90%+ service levels, <2% abandon rate, and trained new hires in 2 weeks.


Contact center performance metrics 120 days after launch

Service Levels
Quality Score
Call Abandonment Rate
Drop in Training Time

The Company

Baxter Healthcare

Baxter Healthcare is a Fortune-500 contact center that assists patients and nurses who use its medical devices. The remote contact center is available 24/7 and supports professionals in vulnerable scenarios as they troubleshoot life-saving medical equipment.

The Challenge

Launch a new operation in 120 days

Baxter acquired a new call center. The parent company decided to bring the contact center to nearshore (Mexico) from offshore (India).

The director was tasked with launching the contact center in Mexico in 120 days with no budge in the deadline.

As if that weren't tough enough, there were even more challenges:

  • They needed to hire and train all new agents and trainers (30 in total)
  • The operations director and his team had no experience with the product or the company they had just acquired
  • The existing documentation was completely out of date

Everything was new. Now, they had a short four-month window to get a call center up and running for the new product.

And the training all needed to be done remotely.

The clock was ticking, but luckily the director already had experience with the Find & Follow methodology and the ScreenSteps team, so he brought them in from the beginning.

“For any new project that we bring into my center, during the very first conversation, my team will say, ‘We need ScreenSteps involved.’ ScreenSteps is at the very beginning of the process, not at the very end.”

Jason Mercer-Pottinger
Operations Director, Baxter Healthcare

The Solution

"We need ScreenSteps"

Since the director had used ScreenSteps in other contact center departments prior to this acquisition, he required that they have ScreenSteps for this project.

Building the new training program was like changing out the tires on a car that was still driving down the road. To make this happen, the organization fully engaged the ScreenSteps team.

The hiring happened in three waves. The first new hire wave was trained over Zoom in a very traditional, lecture-based format. As they held the first training, the ScreenSteps team recorded the sessions and built out foundational courses and digital guides from the training content.

That content was stored in their ScreenSteps knowledge base, which Baxter calls “The Brain.” The idea is employees don’t need to memorize information because they document all of their policies and procedures and store them in The Brain. Employees reference those guides every time they perform a procedure.

The initial training wave took six weeks with the traditional training methodology.

By the time it was to train wave two, the contact center had The Brain up and running and had fully implemented the Find & Follow Training Framework.

By the third wave of training, the call center had cut training time down to two weeks, a whole month shorter than the initial training.

“We got feedback from our reps that it was so daunting after the first 10 weeks of training to take that first call on their own. ScreenSteps enabled us to reduce training time down and people felt a lot more confident. It’s because if they don’t know the answer, they know where they could go to get the right information. They weren’t on their own. The Brain is there to help and assist them in the operation.”

Jason Mercer-Pottinger
Operations Director, Baxter Healthcare

The Results

Met deadline and achieved high-performance metrics

Baxter met the accelerated timeline to launch the new contact center in 120 days. They trained all 30 agents remotely and they were taking live calls by the deadline.

Beyond achieving a seemingly impossible deadline, Baxter started seeing impressive performance results within a month of going live.

Some of the call metrics they saw within the first month of launching include:

  • 90%+ service levels
  • Call times were less than 7 minutes
  • Abandon rates were less than 2%
  • 98% qualitative measure
  • Decreased training time from 6 weeks to 2 weeks

With The Brain there to assist them 24/7, agents were more confident taking calls. This translated to customer satisfaction reviews. Customers were telling agents that their interactions were the best they’d ever had with a contact center.

Improve contact center training & performance with better knowledge transfer

Empower confident & independent agents with a complete knowledge ops solution.

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