ScreenSteps Articles

Using Markdown to easily add formatting to your Zendesk Tickets

Greg DeVore - Nov 4, 2014 2:42:00 PM

Markdown is a simple way to add formatting to your Zendesk tickets. It allows you to add the following formatting to your tickets:

  • Italics and bold text
  • Links
  • Bulleted and numbered lists
  • Headings

Markdown can actually do much more than that, but those are the features that I use most often.

An example

This is what a Markdown formatted response might look like. If I click Preview then I can see how Zendesk will render the Markdown.






You can see that with just some simple text I can create a nicely formatted message.

Basic Markdown

You can see the full Zendesk Markdown reference here. But here are the features I use most often.

One * is italics. For example: *This* is important.

Two ** is bold. Example: This is **really** important.

Bulleted lists are one *. Example:



*the other thing

Numbered lists are just numbers with a period:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Last

Pro tip: It actually doesn't matter which numbers you use. When it is rendered all of the numbers will be rendered starting with '1'. This can be helpful if you need to insert a number in the middle. You don't need to renumber everything.

Code block is ```. Example:

This is code

Links are formatted with [] and (). The text goes in the brackets and the URL in the parentheses. So, for example:

[ScreenSteps for Zendesk]( would render as:

ScreenSteps for Zendesk

There are options for headings and images as well, but if you are using headings a lot in a ticket response then you should probably be linking to a help article instead.\

Activating Markdown on your account

Go to Settings > Tickets




Check the box to allow Markdown




Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Save tab"




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Greg DeVore

Greg DeVore

CEO of ScreenSteps

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