The Find & Follow Training Framework

Train & onboard confident new hires in 30 days or less

A 3-phase employee training approach for developing confident, consistent, and independent employees.

Stressed employee on the job

The trouble with traditional training methods

Traditional training practices rely on employees memorizing how to do every aspect of their job. Not only does this take months and months, but it develops employees that are nervous, inexperienced, and unprepared to work independently.

For supervisors, this results in high-stress environments, with consistent mistakes, frequent questions, long training times, and employees who can't adapt to change quickly or easily

Stressed employee on the job
Find & Follow Training Visual Graphic

A modern approach to employee training and performance support

New hire training doesn't have to be hard! Instead of expecting employees to memorize how to perform each individual task or navigate every system, you just need to teach employees how to find the information they need, when they need it, and to follow the steps.

That's exactly how the Find & Follow Training Framework works. 

Find & Follow Training Visual Graphic

How Find & Follow Training Works

What are the 3 phases of Find & Follow training?

The Find & Follow Training Framework is a 3-phase approach to employee training and performance support. Employees start by learning the foundational context of their job. Next, they learn how to search, find, and follow the digital guides they need to perform tasks and solve problems. Finally, employees run through dozens and dozens of practice activities to get comfortable finding and follow the digital guides. 

This training approach is part of the larger Find & Follow Framework, a better way to work & train. 

What makes Find & Follow Training better than traditional training? Everything. 

New-hires who go through Find & Follow Training develop into independent, consistent, and efficient employees faster than ever. 

What makes Find & Follow Training different from traditional training methods?

In traditional training methods, employees are required to rely on memorization. Training takes place mainly through classroom lectures and assessments. This can take 3, 6, or even 12 months before employees are confident and proficient on their own. 

In Find & Follow Training, the focus changes. Employees only need to learn the foundational material that give context to their job. Once the foundation is set, employees spend 80% of their time doing hands-on practice activities with the digital guides that they will use in their actual day-to-days on the job. This approach results in employees who are not only confident, but eager, to get to work in weeks (sometimes even days).


Find & Follow

In Find & Follow, Greg & Jonathan DeVore provide the key to solving the knowledge transfer problem and transforming your business. Don’t spend another day wasting your and your team’s time relying on tribal knowledge – get a copy now!

Find & Follow Book, Now Available on Amazon
Employee working through virtual new-hire training

The employee experience

A new employee going through training will do the following:

  1. Take 2-10 minute foundational course on a specific topic (self-paced or presentation)

  2. Discuss the course with the trainer to answer any questions

  3. Get introduced to their knowledge base and digital guides

  4. Go through dozens of realistic practice scenarios using the digital guides to complete tasks or respond to questions/requests

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the next topic
Employee working through virtual new-hire training
Trainer teaching employee how to perform task

The trainer experience

A trainer facilitating the training would do the following:

  1. Assign the course topic to the employees

  2. Lead a short discussion after each employee completes the course to answer any questions

  3. Introduce the digital guides to the new employees and explain how to find them

  4. Present practice scenarios to the employees

  5. Offer support as they learn to follow the digital guides to complete the different practice scenarios

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the next topic
Trainer teaching employee how to perform task

Where's the proof?

Here are real metrics from real customers who have gone through Find & Follow Training.

Don't worry, you're not alone. We're here to help.

Launching a Find & Follow Training Program at your organization for the first time can be daunting. We've helped teams of all shapes and sizes implement Find & Follow Training and see fantastic results.

Our team will take you through a 5-stage process that will ensure a successful training launch, a repeatable process, and ongoing improvements. Here's how it works:

  • Plan

  • Develop

  • Pilot

  • Launch

  • Optimize



Find & Follow Workshop

During this workshop, your Content Coach will work with your trainers and supervisors to identify what employees will need to know and what they will need to be able to do once they leave training.

This includes:

  • Contextual information to understand the business and their role
  • Tools they will use
  • Scenarios they will encounter

This will result in a detailed training plan that will identify what you need to develop in Step 2.

[WEBINAR] Find & Follow Planning Workshop icon-arrow-right-2



Develop your materials

During this phase, your Content Coach meets with your team weekly or bi-weekly to offer guidance and feedback on developing all of your training materials, including:

  • Foundational courses
  • Digital guides
  • Trainers guide with practice scenarios

The Content Coach ensures your team is adopting best practices for writing and formatting content so that employees can easily find and follow the required guide within seconds.

[WEBINAR] Extreme Makeover: Digital Guides Edition icon-arrow-right-2



Train the trainer

During this phase, your Content Coach ensures your trainers are prepared to facilitate a Find & Follow training session.

You will pilot the training with several agents to increase the comfort level of the trainer, identify missing or unclear guides, and make any needed improvements.

This usually takes between 2-3 weeks. 

[WEBINAR] How to Pilot, Launch, and Optimize Your Training Program icon-arrow-right-2

Launch your training program


Launch and run your training program

It's officially time to launch your training program! Employees will walk through the three phases of training (foundation courses, digital guides, & practice activities) for each topic. 

Your Content Coach will be available to assist with any questions you run into during training. 

As an added option, you can even have your Content Coach facilitate the training for you. 

[WEBINAR] How to Pilot, Launch, and Optimize Your Training Program icon-arrow-right-2

Launch your training program


Optimize your courses and digital guides

Once you've gone through training with your new employees and had time to evaluate the success, you'll be able to identify areas for optimization using our Content Optimization Services. This will be done through search reports, usage reports, comments, and even call shadowing. 

Our content coaches will walk you through a workshop and/or coaching services

[WEBINAR] How to Pilot, Launch, and Optimize Your Training Program icon-arrow-right-2


Find & Follow Training FAQs

How much does it cost to work with ScreenSteps on developing and running a Find & Follow Training program?

What is different about the Find & Follow Training Framework?

How does the ScreenSteps knowledge base software and the Find & Follow Training Framework work together?

How can I learn to build and run a Find & Follow Training program?

Do you offer training and/or coaching services?

What are the biggest challenges businesses face when adopting Find & Follow Training?

What would cause Find & Follow Training to fail in my organization?

How long does it take to build and run a Find & Follow Training program?

Ready to develop confident, independent, and efficient employees in 30 days or less? Let's get started!

Meet with a knowledge management and training expert to discuss your employee training challenges and see if the Find & Follow Framework would be right for your company.