Customer Story

700 Digital Guides in 12 Weeks

How Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union Built & Launched a Complete Knowledge Ops Solution in 12 Weeks

  • TLDR


The short version (TL;DR)

Industry: Credit union

Goal: Centralized employee training & performance support program for a better member experience.

Challenge: Limited resources and bandwidth.

Solution: ScreenSteps Accelerated Implementation Package.

Results: A complete knowledge ops solution launched in 12 weeks with over 700 knowledge resources.


The short version (TL;DR)

The Goal

Create a centralized employee training & performance support program for a better member experience.

The Obstacle

Limited resources and bandwidth within the MAFCU team to do it themselves.

The Solution

ScreenSteps Accelerated Implementation Package.

The Results

Knowledge ops solution launched in 12 weeks with over 700 digital guides.

“Going through this process has made for a better member experience because employees can find the information at their fingertips immediately. No more putting members on hold.”

Tiffany Glowacki-Whitt

Core Systems Training Specialist


The Credit Union

Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union

Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit Union (MAFCU) serves members all across Montgomery County, Maryland. The credit union has:

  • 3 branches
  • 1 call center
  • 60 employees
  • 19,000 members
  • More than $425 million in assets

The Goal

Centralized Employee Training & Performance Support Program

MAFCU has always been committed to doing what’s best for its employees and members. As the credit union grew and operations became more complex, it became increasingly challenging to train and support employees. 

Previously, MAFCU stored all operational documentation on the credit union’s intranet. But, the intranet was difficult to manage and even harder to navigate. When employees were stuck or didn’t know how to help a member, their first instinct was to escalate the problem to a manager or coworker. Simply put, MAFCU had a tribal knowledge problem. The result was a frustrating employee and member experience. 

Sergio, Chief Operating Officer, and Tiffany, Core Systems Training Specialist, knew they needed to invest in better knowledge operations to create a better member and employee experience. Their goal was to find the right solution partner to help them create a centralized knowledge hub with every policy and procedure. This would allow them to onboard new hires quickly and efficiently while providing ongoing performance support for tenured employees.


The Obstacle

Limited Resources & Bandwidth

The MAFCU leadership team was initially apprehensive about a new strategic knowledge initiative. They knew the project would be heavy lift and that their internal resources and bandwidth was limited.

Sergio and Tiffany, however, were determined to push this project forward. That’s when they found ScreenSteps. 

“I knew it was going to be a tremendous task to take on, which made me apprehensive,” said Tiffany. “But at the same time, I knew it would make everything so much better.”


The Solution

ScreenSteps Accelerated Implementation

When Sergio and Tiffany found ScreenSteps, they knew they found the solution they’d been looking for. Not only did the knowledge ops solution solve their tribal knowledge problem, but the ScreenSteps implementation support would take much of the heavy lifting off of MAFCU’s shoulders. 

MAFCU decided to move forward with the ScreenSteps Accelerated Implementation Plan. This approach allowed Tiffany to lean on the expertise of the ScreenSteps team to quickly build knowledge resources while training her to support the initiative after launch.

The Accelerated Implementation Plan included:

Find & Follow Workshop

The Find & Follow Workshop

First, Jonathan DeVore, Director of Implementation at ScreenSteps, ran a Find & Follow Workshop with the MAFCU team. During this workshop, they defined what knowledge resources MAFCU needed to empower expert-level employees. Based on that report, Tiffany could identify what resources already existed and what they needed to create.

Content Creation

Content Creation

After the workshop, Tiffany sent ScreenSteps all of their existing documentation. Jonathan and the ScreenSteps team then imported the documentation into the ScreenSteps knowledge ops platform and optimized the articles to be findable, followable, and scannable.

When documentation didn’t exist, the ScreenSteps team interviewed MAFCU SMEs to capture the procedural information. They then created digital guides to help employees in the moment of need. 


Training Every Step of the Way

Not only did ScreenSteps create most of the resources for the MAFCU knowledge ops platform, but Jonathan and his team helped coach Tiffany every step of the way. Once the implementation was complete, Tiffany was confident launching, maintaining, and growing the knowledge ops solution.

“I knew it was going to be a tremendous task to take on. But at the same time, I knew it would make everything so much better.”

Tiffany Glowacki-Whitt
Core Systems Training Specialist

Mockup wrap

The Results

A Complete Knowledge Ops Solution in 12 Weeks

Thanks to the effort from Sergio, Tiffany, and the ScreenSteps team, MAFCU was able to build and launch its knowledge ops solution in just 12 weeks.

MAFCU’s knowledge ops platform consisted of over 700 digital guides. They opted for an 80% Launch, which meant they built resources to support 80% of employee questions. Tiffany would create the other 20% during ongoing optimizations.

Thanks to the coaching and support from Jonathan, Tiffany feels confident using ScreenSteps analytics to determine:

  • How (and which) MAFCU employees are interacting with the knowledge resources
  • What digital guides they need to tweak
  • What digital guides they need to create
  • What she needs to do to drive further adoption amongst the team
Mockup wrap
  • Demo

Happy credit union employee

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Take the headache out of training and employee support with a complete knowledge ops solution.

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Happy credit union employee